今天下午到了位於銀座一丁目的Higashiya Ginza喝下午茶!
When I have a good experience at a cafe' or restaurant, which always brightens up my day and lifts my spirits. TO have such cheerful experience, I require three criteria to meet up the standard. 1. Delicious food; 2. Great service; 3. nice atmosphere and ambience. This afternoon at Higashiya Ginza, I had one of those nice afternoon because of this place.
不仔細看真的會錯過的地方,所以Higashiya Ginza可不是過路客進去的地方!它位於POLA大樓的二樓,在外的指標也是小小的相當不起眼喔~
It really isn't the place for people randomly drop in to have a rest, simply you just can't randomly see the place. It's on the 2nd floor of the POLA building and the sign is so tiny I totally missed it, if it's not for my GPS, I'm sure I'd have a hard time finding it!
由於最近快到年底了,以Higashiya Ginza日式和菓子的茶館,可不是會放上聖誕老公公等洋派裝飾的呦!
With the Japanese style decoration to welcome the new year. Higashiya Ginza would not throw a Christmas decoration all over the place. The traditional decoration fit perfectly with it's Japanese style tea room serves with some of the most delicate Japanese confections.
簡單、典雅、乾淨、柔和對我對Higashiya Ginza的印象。
Higashiya carries a simple, elegant, clean and soft style through their product line and interior decoration.
當我來到Higashiya Ginza時,就想起以前上司說過的話!
I remember when I used to work for the Japanese jewelry brand TASAKI as a designer my boss at the time Ms. Uzumi said when a design is beautiful and complicated, it's really not that difficult. A exceptional simple design requires much more attention on the detail and it takes more sophistication to come up with a simple good design, even a tiny flaw is so visible to the human eyes, that's why a simple good design is much more refined!
When I enter Higashiya Ginza and have all these beautiful designs in my eyes, reminds me of what my old boss used to say.
The cover of the menu is made by lather, and inside, the menu is printed on rice papers. The texture of the paper is so soft, yet somehow very durable. I have this picture of an old Japanese rice paper master making the paper sheet by sheet by his own hands.
On the tea bar, there are different sizes and shapes of copper pots, they look so classy even if arranged unintentionally.
There are consistently heated hot water copper pots for making the tea.
They have this irresistible afternoon tea set with the combinations of the traditional tea confections. I really wish I wasn't there by myself, so I can try all these!
Although I did order two different kinds of the tea confections, a Azuki rice cake and Persimmon cake!
我跟服務生問了季節性和菓子有哪些,她就端了一個盒子來,裡面有目前Higashiya Ginza依照目前時節出的一系列和菓子。有豆大福、小紅豆沙麻糬、用葉子包起來的裡面也是小紅豆沙、南瓜小糕、小饅頭及柿餅。
身紅橘的柿餅切開是有包東西的,仔細一看還分兩層!咬下一口,嗯~~好細的的什麼啊?白豆沙泥!下層那應該是Cheese吧?有一點點鹹鹹的,咦?不是cheese, 是一塊鹹奶油!啊~太妙的口感與組合了!
When I asked about the seasonal confections, the waitress brought me a box of six different kinds of Japanese traditional confections. from left to right is Black bean rice cake, Azuki rice cake, Azuki rice cake with leaves, Pumpkin cake, Manju cake and the Persimmon cake.
The Azuki rice cake is so soft and the azuki bean paste just melts right on my tongue. As for the Persimmon cake, you see there are two different kinds of fillings inside, one is white bean paste, and surprisingly the other is salted butter. Who would have thought putting a piece of butter iniside of a persimmon, it tasted really amazing!
這整個在Higashiya Ginza的時光實在是讓人太愉快了!東西好吃、服務親切,又處處賞心悅目,大悅!
Even the Lady's room is so elegantly arranged, it's really nice!!
Overall, I was really happy to have visited Higashiya Ginza, and I will definitely come back with my friends and family!
誠意指數 /Satisfactory:★★★★☆
Higashiya Ginza
東京都中央區銀座1-7-7 POLA 2F / 1-7-7 Ginza Chu-o Ku, Tokyo
11:00~19:00 休假日:每週一 / 11:00~19:00 Closed every Monday
有樂町線"銀座一丁目"車站下車,徒步一分鐘 / Get off at Ginza 1 chome Station with Yurakucho Line, walk 1 minute.
銀座線、日比谷、丸ノ内線"銀座"車站下車,徒步三分鐘 / Get off at Ginza Station with Ginza line, Hibiya lin and Marunouchi line, walk 3 minutes.