我這次住的地方,是在曼哈頓的上西城區Upper West Side, 位於75街和Broadway的Hotel Beacon (http://www.beaconhotel.com)。25樓的視角一望無際,直視的是東邊的方向,從中景的中央公園到上東城區Upper East Side!
This is the photo before sunrise, I got up around 5:30, due to let lag and long traveling, tried my best to stayed awake until 20:30 the night before, and woke up to receive this breathtaking view. I stayed at Hotel Beacon on 75th Street and Broadway (http://www.beaconhotel.com) To have a room on the 25th floor, which was the highest floor of the building, was certainly a treat!! I had an open view to see The Museum of Natural History, Central Park and all the way to the Upper East Side!
It turned cloudy after couple of hours, but the weather didn't infect me and I couldn't cantain my excitment, walked over to Central Park to have my morning walk.
秋意濃濃啊~淡淡的陽光這時從樹叢間透了出來,不過短短幾秒的時間!All these autumn leaves swipped the roads of my pathway, they are simply beautiful!
Walking along the road, I found the lake right in front of me. I sat down by the bench and was hoping to get a zen-moment by looking at the view, yet it was too cold and windy I had to get up and keep walking.
沿路的景色還不錯吧!接著我走到中央公園的噴水池 Bethesda Fountain, 記得以前在紐約念書的時候,有一次跟媽媽到中央公園來溜直排輪鞋,那時正好碰上梅爾吉勃遜Mel Gibson在這裡拍電影Ransom裡跟綁匪約在中央公園的場景,那時只看到哇~好大的紅色熱氣球,之後才知道原來有一整組上百人的電影團隊及臨時演員在工作中!
It was a very nice walk downn to the Bethesda Foutian and Terrace. I remember years ago, I was rollerblading with mom in central park, and saw Mel Gibson was filming Ransom right at this spot!
原來有很多人跟我一樣早起來散步,這些觀光客還真拼命哩!! Guess I wasn't the only one waking up early!!
哎呀~我餓了,還是回飯店房間來吃個早餐吧!!!Time for breakfast, I'm gonna have some delicious pastries I brought back from Chelsea Market the evening before!